Immunity Boosting Tips

Immunity Boosting Tips

2) Foods – I would not suggest any drastic dietary changes as that may not turn out to be sustainable. How do we define sustainability by the way ?

 3) Physical Activity – What do you think is more a Sustainable way of physical activity ?

4) Mental Activity – Let’s do whatever we can – Meditate, Pray, Chant,  whichever that can keep your state of Mind Healthy, Aroma Therapy – flowers, incenses, candles, Color Therapy – each of our CHAKRAS are associated with a different color…the flowers with which we worship, the chandan, etc we use all help us take deep breaths, purifying, relaxing our body, mind and letting us listen to our inner consciousness.

We were meant to be living in nature and be in sync with nature. Times, situations have led us to be away from it. Let’s all try to live a natural, sustainable life in sync with nature.

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