Detoxifying your body

Detoxifying your body

Nourishing your body –

  • Periodic consumption of warm water throughout the day. As we all know our body constitutes more than 70% as water. So, we need to hydrate ourselves periodically. According to Ayurveda, what goes in should be a little more than your body temperature and what goes out on your body should be less then your body temperature.  

My answer – “anything in moderation is the Mantra” (my own  tagline). Reason being, we have to have it as part of our food unless we have some serious deficiencies. Also, we have to keep the season into consideration and consume them because – “what grows in a season in that region is for a reason” (my tagline again J ). Rest, that may not be available in your region in that season, will be pickled or dried and used. Also, listen to your body, observe the changes and make your judgement.

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