Detoxifying your body

Detoxifying your body


Detoxifying our physical body through food –

Using some super foods that are rich in Vitamins, Unrefined/cold pressed oils, highly fibrous foods, good quantities of water on a regular basis, reducing the intake of processed foods, Sugars and acidic foods, Intermittent fasting can help improve your gut health and immune system.  Kindly note that during the process of detoxification, some might notice symptoms such as headache, gas/bloating, tiredness etc. It basically means that the bacteria/yeast/candida/parasites are being destroyed in your digestive tract and these symptoms can slowly diminish if continued to use these foods. During this time, do restrict the usage of refined/oily foods/sugar consumption as that might aid the growth of the bacteria/candida further as they thrive in an acidic environment.

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