Detoxifying your body

Detoxifying your body

Ways to detoxify our Mind                                                               

Another best and easy approach that may improve our Immune System is Steaming – Inhaling steam could be quite beneficial and the fastest way to enhance one’s immune system.

Detoxifying the MIND –

  • Acupressure, Mudras, Pranayama, getting some fresh air and good sunlight (a natural way to improve Vit D levels in our body)
  • Acupressure – applying some pressure on certain points/parts of our body can stimulate the blood circulation and ease our discomfort and may improve the functionality of an organ. Could be practiced at certain times of the day for a certain duration of time.
  • Mudras – are fingers/hands positioning in certain ways that can stimulate blood flow and can help improve organ functionality if practiced on a daily basis. Can be practiced at any given time of the day for a certain duration of time. 
  • Sun viewing with eyes closed.

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